Improving Economic Opportunities

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Norsaac believes that women and youth are critical in every population yet often have untapped potential to improve the economic prospects of communities and societies.

HerStart: Innovate the Future is a 7-year initiative designed by Youth Challenge International (YCI), in partnership with leading local organizations, with the goal to foster and create innovative solutions for a more equitable and prosperous economy within Ghana, Zanzibar and Uganda. In Ghana, project is co-implemented with Norsaac and YEFL- Ghana located in Tamale.  HerStart aims Support over 3,000 young women to become social entrepreneurs over the 7years period and build an enabling environment for social innovation and women’s social enterprise development, while increasing awareness of and support for social ventures.

Project Duration: 7 years

Donor: YCI

Digital Property Tax Initiative (DPTI)

As Ghana attained middle-income status in 2010 there has been a major shift in foreign donor attitudes on support for the country as most are moving from aid to trade and subsequent decline in donor support has significantly narrowed the fiscal space for the government despite increases in revenues from oil and gas. The coronavirus pandemic has also exacerbated the weak revenue situation and compelled the country to resort to borrowing from the local and international markets to meet its immediate revenue needs.

The shortfall in revenues resulting in the decline of donor support has put a strain on the country’s economic and development indicators which still reflect the status of a low-income country. Ghana’s tax system is highly disproportionate as many Ghanaians, especially women and young people are burdened by high indirect taxes and do not have enough information, power, expertise, or formally organized voice to hold local and national governments to account. Entrenched political and economic power among privileged people (usually men), and structural exclusion of women act as a deterrent to addressing gender gaps in budgeting, spending and revenue-raising measures. Oxfam and Norsaac consider implementing DPTI imperative to increasing revenues for the government while reducing the unfair tax burden on women and young people.

This work fits within Oxfam’s overall global programming on fiscal accountability for inequality reduction.

Duration: 2 years

Donor: Oxfam

Women Economic Advancement for Collective Transformation

The Women Economic Advancement for Collective Transformation (WEACT) project, a cornerstone of Norsaac’s Economic Interest Area, stands as a beacon of economic empowerment specifically designed to create opportunities for women while dismantling barriers that have traditionally impeded the realization of their full economic potential. This transformative initiative operates across six regions in Ghana, employing collaborative efforts to instigate profound changes in attitudes, behaviors, and societal norms.

WEACT tackles gender-specific obstacles hindering women’s participation in economic growth, with a focus on recognizing, reducing, and redistributing unpaid care work. The project employs innovative community-based approaches, including the introduction of the Gender Model Family, Legal Literacy Volunteers, and the monetization of care work concepts. These strategies are instrumental in engaging communities and influencing government institutions, paving the way for sustainable change.

Duration: 4 years

Donor: Oxfam

USAID/Ghana Performance Accountability Activity

The USAID/Ghana Performance Accountability Activity (PAA) is a 5-year initiative aimed at supporting the Government of Ghana (GoG) in delivering high-quality local public services and enhancing accountability to civil society. This program seeks to build upon existing Ghanaian strategies, programs, and capacities, leveraging support from USAID and other donors to strengthen ongoing efforts to foster transparent, accountable, and inclusive local governance.

Funded by USAID and implemented by Democracy International (DI) in close collaboration with Norsaac and other Community-Based Organizations (CBOs), the PAA operates in 70 districts across 10 regions in Ghana, including the 5 regions in Northern Ghana.

The PAA centers around three primary result areas: The PAA is anchored on three main results areas as:

  1. 1. Increase citizens’ demand for responsive service delivery by supporting the capacity of local organizations to connect citizens and promote citizens’ preferences to government bodies.
  2. Improve the efficiency of government service delivery by promoting more rigorous regulatory standards and good governance capacity.
  3. Embolden public service providers at the local level to adhere to quality standards by deepening the link between core Ghanaian values and standards of performance.

Norsaac Scope

Norsaac, a sub-awardee to DI, has the responsibility for leading in regional and districts levels stakeholder engagements, and community mobilization in 30 out of the 46 implementation districts in the 5 regions of Northern Ghana. Norsaac will be held accountable for improving accountability for the delivery of basic education, health, water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH), agriculture, and fisheries services in these 30 districts.

Duration: 5 years

Donor: Democracy International 

Strengthening Civil Societies and Media for Fiscal Justice (FAIRTAX)

The Strengthening Civil Societies and Media for Fiscal Justice (FAIRTAX) Project is a project implemented in Ghana, Kenya, and Uganda under the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation Funding.  

In Ghana, the project is being implemented by Norsaac, the Media Foundation for West Africa (MFWA) and Africa Centre for Energy Policy (ACEP).

Project Goal: The program will see to it that Tax revenue and public budgets are expanded and made significantly more progressive and gender sensitive by increasing the capacity of Civil Societies and Investigative Journalists to demand fiscal justice, increase Progressive and Gender sensitive Domestic Revenue Mobilization and enhance pro-poor and public budgets and address the debt crisis. 

Duration: 3 years

Donor: Oxfam in Ghana