Competitive Bidding

Competitive Bidding

Supply and Installation of a Generator Set

Norsaac, intends to apply part of its budgetary allocation to fund eligible payments under the contract for the Supply and installation of a generator set towards the realization of its objectives. We invite you to submit a bid per the specifications outlined below. 

NoDescriptionU.O.M SPECIFICATIONQTY RequiredDelivery Period
1Supply and installation of a100/110KVA, 240VOLT, 1,500RPM,   Generator SetPcsOutput voltage: 415/240 volts Phase: Three (3) Deep Sea Control with protection frequency,  Brushless AVR control Alternator, Output Circuit Breaker, Noise Level: 68Dba Country of origin: UK/France1Two weeks after the signing of Contract

1. Interested eligible Bidders may obtain further information on Norsaac on its website ( 

2. Delivery Requirement

The address for the Delivery tender is:

Norsaac Head Office: location – Shishegu residential area, off Nyankpala Road,  Tamale. GPS Address NS-063-4709.  1

3. Tender Submission Deadline:

Tenders should be submitted to Norsaac on or before 10:00 am on Friday, 14th June, 2024

4. Evaluation Criteria:

Tenders will be evaluated based on:

a. Compliance with specification

b. Pricing

c. Warranty and after-sales support

d. Supplier experience and references

e. Availability of product

5. Submission Instructions: 

Tenders should be submitted in a sealed envelope with your address at the back or via email to or hand-delivered to the address outlined in point 2.

6. Additional information:

1. Electronic Bidding is permitted.

2. Late Bids will be rejected.

3. Requests for clarifications should be received by Norsaac not later than seven (3) days before the bid opening date.

It is mandatory that Bidders submit with their tender the following statutory documents:

  • Valid GRA Tax Clearance Certificate  
  • Valid VAT Registration Certificate. 
  • Valid Business Registration Certificate.
  • Samples may be required.  
  • All prices quoted must be tax-inclusive and valid for at least two weeks.
  • Successful/Unsuccessful bidders will be informed accordingly.

We look forward to receiving your bids and appreciate your interest in working with Norsaac.